Current volume

Digital Twin in Metrology: Opportunities, Current Implementations and Research Challenges

Metrology & Hallmark

Authors Małgorzata Poniatowska (Białystok University of Technology), Dariusz Mazurkiewicz (Lublin University of Technology), Piotr Sobecki (Central Office of Measures, National Information Processing Institute)


Digital twin (DT) technology is now popular in several research and development applications, including also metrology. Measurements as a source of data play an important role not only in DT design, modelling and implementation, but digital twins of measurement systems can also be successfully used in many applications, for example to estimate measurement uncertainty. The digital twin method has a tremendous potential and many application possibilities in metrology, therefore in this paper some up-to-date research results in this area are presented and discussed, including some representative activities of National Metrology Institutes (NMIs).


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