Wezwania EMRP
Wezwania w ramach programu EMRP
Komitet EMRP opublikował listę wybranych do realizacji w ramach wezwania „Energia” wspólnych projektów badawczych (JRPs):
Characterisation of Energy Gases
- Metrology for Energy Harvesting
- Smart Electrical Grids
- Metrology for Solid State Lighting
- Metrology for improved Power Plants
- Metrology for High-Voltage Direct Current
- Metrology for New Generation of Nuclear Power Plants
- Metrology for Biofuels
Metrology for chemical pollutants in air
- Emerging requirements for measuring pollutants from automotive exhaust emissions
- Traceability for Surface Spectral Solar Ultraviolet Radiation
- Traceable Radiometry for Remote Measurement of Climate Parameters
- Metrology for oceanic salinity and acidification
- Spectral reference data for atmospheric monitoring
- Metrology for Pressure, Temperature, Humidity and Airspeed in the Atmosphere
- Traceable measurements for monitoring critical pollutants under the “European Water Framework Directive (WFD-2000/60/EC)"
- Metrology for radioactive waste management
- High Temperature Metrology for Industrial Applications (>1000 °C)
- Electromagnetic characterization of materials for industrial applications up to microwave frequencies
- High Pressure Metrology for Industrial Applications
- Ionizing Radiation Metrology for Metallurgical Industry
- Dynamic mechanical properties and long-term deformation behaviour of viscous materials
- Metrology for Industrial Quantum Communication Technologies
- Metrology for the manufacturing of thin films
- Metrology for advanced industrial magnetics
- Traceable Dynamic Measurement of Mechanical Quantities
- Optical and tactile metrology for absolute form characterization
- Metrology to Assess the Durability and Function of Engineered Surfaces
- Vacuum metrology for production environments
- Thermal design and time-dependent dimensional drift behaviour of sensors, materials and structures
- New generation of frequency standards for industry
- Traceable quantitative surface chemical analysis for industrial applications
- Metrology for Ultrafast Electronics and High-Speed Communications
- Metrology of Small Structures for the Manufacturing of Electronic and Optical Devices
Kolejne konkursy ogłaszano wg następującego harmonogramu:
Rok |
Temat wezwania |
Status |
2009 |
Energia |
Projekty w trakcie realizacji |
2010 |
Środowisko |
Projekty w trakcie |
2011 |
Zdrowie II |
2012 |
Przemysł II |
2013 |
Energia II |
Szczegóły dotyczące tematów wezwań, odpowiedzialności, finansowania, formularzy aplikacyjnych etc., istotne dla kolejnych uruchamianych etapów wezwań, są dostępne na stronie internetowej http://www.emrponline.eu/.
Opracowała na podstawie materiałów EURAMET i EMRP: Dobrosława Sochocka