Tag central office of measures
Accurately 100 years - 1st of April 2019
Congratulations from representatives of state authorities and foreign guests, the highest presidential orders, artistic performances and even layer cake. All these special things has happen while Central Office of Measures celebrated its 100th anniversary. The ceremony took place in the Hall under the Dome at the Ministry of Enterprise and Technology.
Participation of GUM representatives in 16th EURAMET General Assembly
16th General Assembly of EURAMET was held in the dates of 30th May - 2nd June, combined with a meeting of the EMPIR Committee and a meeting of the Metrology Partnership Committee.
Visit of the GUM representatives in the National Metrology Institute of Turkey
From 24th to 27th September 2017 the Central Office of Measures (GUM) authorities paid a visit to the National Metrology Institute of Turkey TÜBITAK UME.
Visit of the Head of the Ukrainian National Science Centre Institute of Metrology in GUM
In the day of 7 May 2018 GUM was visited by the head of the NSC Institute of Metrology from Kharkov, prof. Pavel Neyezhmakov. The main task of the visit was to sign an agreement of cooperation between our institutions.
World Metrology Day 20 May 2018