The Campus Project
The Campus Project assumes the construction, in cooperation with the Kielce University of Technology, of a laboratory research and implementation base, which will allow for effective and professional development and research works, which will have a direct impact on the intensification of cooperation between the research and development sphere and enterprises.
Project title „The New Laboratory Campus in Kielce City - Świętokrzyski Kampus Laboratoryjny Głównego Urzędu Miar (ŚKLGUM)"
Project number: RPSW.01.01.00-26-0001/18
Duration of the Project: 01/01/2019 - 31/12/2023
Project value: 162 566 703,52 zł
Amount of co-financing from the European Regional Development Fund: 139 786 784,64 zł
Information brochure GUM Laboratory Campus - Kielce.pdf
28.11.2019 – Approval of the construction project and granting of the building permit. The decision will become final on 16. 12. 2019.
01.08.2019 – Submitting an application for a Construction Permission.
31.07.2019 – Receiving of documentation - Construction Project.
08.07.2019 – Opening the technical dialogue with representatives of the construction market. The dialogue was joined by 5 leading Polish construction companies, including one typical of the Świętokrzyskie region. The result of the dialogue will be the final implementation of the Campus construction. Aim of technical dialogue is detailing the requirements for bidders for the Main Contractor for the construction of ŚKLGUM and effective conduct of the tender.
03.07.2019 – Documentation - Construction design submitted for assessment and acceptance. The scheduled final acceptance is 31st July 2019.
04.06.2019 – Announcement of the technical dialogue related to the public procurement procedure for the construction of ŚKLGUM in Kielce.
15.05.2019 – Defined profiles of ŚKLGUM employees - profiles define the requirements for candidates for ŚKLGUM employees and will be used in the process of recruitment and preparation of the staff of the future Campus, starting from 2019.
25.04.2019 – The Annex of the Grant Agreement - in the Annex GUM is defined as Beneficiary - Leader. The possibility of cash flow from co-financing to the accounts of the Silesian University of Technology Partner was created.
30.04.2019 – The executed multi-discipline concept ŚKLGUM - Architectural documentation contractor - BDM Architekci company - handed over the multi-discipline project of the ŚKLGUM investment.
05.03.2019 – Signing a contract for the execution of comprehensive project documentation.
21.12.2018 – Settlement of the competition for the development of an urban-architectural concept - The competition was conducted by GUM based on defined research and metrological requirements, in cooperation with the Association of Polish Architects (SARP). The results were announced by the Chairman of the Competition Jury, Mr. Jacek Lenart, at the seat of SARP. Victory, 1st prize - 45000 PLN before taxes and the invitation to negotiate on a free hand basis were given to BDM Architekci from Warsaw.
20.12.2018 – Signing of the Agreement on co-financing from MA ROP WŚ - the Agreement ensures financing of ŚKLGUM investment. The value of the project was established at the level of approx. 162 million PLN. , including EU funding of about 90% of the project value.
15.11.2018 – Establishment of the Consultative Metrology Team for the Development of the European Union. The company is also the member of the Industry Development Committee of the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship. The task of the Team is to integrate the industrial and scientific circles of Kielce and the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship around the creation and implementation of the research program of the GUM Campus in Kielce in such a way that the research results are effectively used in the development of products and production processes in industry.
30.10.2018 –Submission of the application to the ROP - application for co-financing of the project implementation under Priority Axis 1-7 of the Regional Operational Programme of the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship was signed on behalf of the Consortium Leader - General Director of the Central Office of Measures in Warsaw, Andrzej Hantz and Partner of the Consortium by the Rector of the Świętokrzyskie University of Technology, Wiesław Trąmpczyński.
29.10.2018 – Execution of the Internal Functional and Utility Program - requirements and expectations concerning the construction task were defined. The document is the basis for determining the planned costs of design works and construction works, preparation of an offer, primarily in terms of calculating its price and execution of design works.
13.10.2018 – Signing of the Consortium Agreement with the Świętokrzyskie University of Technology. In the presence of Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, Minister of Entrepreneurship and Technology Jadwiga Emilewicz, and representatives of the Central Office of Measures and the Świętokrzyskie University of Technology, a consortium agreement was signed to develop and implement the “Świętokrzyski Laboratory Campus of the Central Office of Measures" Project.
2018 r. – Analysis and selection of location - approx. 5 locations of the Laboratory Campus in terms of, among others geographical, functional, infrastructural, environmental, social and labour conditions. A property was selected, donated for this purpose by the City of Kielce, located on the gentle slope of Hałasa Mountain, at the crossroads of Wrzosowa street and Popiełuszko Avenue in Kielce.
22.12.2017 - Adoption of the GUM Strategy - approval of the “Four-year Strategic Action Plan of the Central Office of Measures 2018-2021"; by the Minister of Finance and Development, following a positive opinion of the Metrology Council. The strategy takes into account the recommendations and conclusions of the Supreme Audit Office (NIK), which were made during the audit No. KGP. 410. 009. 01. 2016, P/16/020, concerning strategic management. The Strategy of GUM identifies problems resulting from the current location of the GUM. It was stated that a new headquarters of the GUM campus is necessary. It was recommended that the location outside the city centre of Warsaw should be appropriate to the needs of the national NMI, as well as available for both domestic and foreign stakeholders.
27.07.2017 - Elaboration of metrological and functional assumptions - start of the works of the Team for the. Metrological assumptions, which resulted in, among others: creation of a database containing information on 468 measurement stands, each of which is described with 47 parameters, development of descriptions and valuations of the designed measurement stands, preparation of forecasts, demands, topics and valuations of metrological research of the Central Office of Measures (as of the 4th quarter of the year 2018).