


The European Cooperation in Legal Metrology WELMEC was established in 1990 at a meeting in Bern, Switzerland. Currently 37 countries are represented on the WELMEC Committee. The mission of WELMEC includes promotion of European cooperation in the field of legal metrology and developing and maintaining of the mutual acceptance among its members. The organization also strives for achieving a harmonized and consistent approach to the society needs for legal metrology and for the benefit of all stakeholders including consumers and economy. The WELMEC Members are drawn from the national authorities responsible for legal metrology in European Union (EU) and European Free Trade Association (EFTA) Member States. WELMEC was originally the acronym for the "Western European Legal Cooperation". Today, although the name of the Organization is still the same i.e. WELMEC, as the European Union extended outside Western Europe, so did WELMEC too. The organization encompasses EU Member States, EFTA Members and aspiring EU Members. One of the goals of WELMEC activities is providing an assistance to the aspiring EU Members in aligning their legal metrology systems and procedures with those of the EU. Currently the principal activities of WELMEC focus on the operation of the EU Non Automatic Weighing Instruments Directive (NAWI - EU directive 2009/23/EC) and the implementation of the EU Measuring Instruments Directive (MID - EU directive 2004/22/EC).

Organization of WELMEC

The WELMEC secretariat is based at Overveen, The Netherlands. The organization is chaired by the representative of Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and supported by the Chairperson's Group (Vice-chair + currently 6 representatives from different National Metrology Institutes).

The Polish participation in WELMEC

Poland accessed to the European Cooperation in the Field of Legal Metrology (WELMEC) in 2004.

The representatives of the Central Office of Measures in the WELMEC Working Groups

The various aspects of NAWI and MID directives are discussed in the framework of WELMEC Working Groups. The representatives of the Central Office of Measures participate actively in the following WGs:

  • WG 2 Directive implementation (2009/23/EC)
  • WG 4 General aspects of legal metrology
  • WG 5 Metrological supervision
  • WG 6 Prepackages
  • WG 7 Software
  • WG 8 Measuring Instruments Directive
  • WG 10 Measuring equipment for liquids other than water
  • WH 11 Utility meters.

more details see on the WELMEC website

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