GUM jointed the European Metrology Network for Traceability in Laboratory Medicine
GUM, alongside prominent National Metrology Institutes from, among others, Germany, France, and the United Kingdom, will support the activities of the European Metrology Network for Traceability in Laboratory Medicine.
Publication Metrology for a stronger Europe – white paper
On the website of The European Association of National Metrology Institutes (EURAMET), document "Metrology for a stronger Europe – white paper" has been published.
New eCzasPL portal
Article by employees of the Central Office of Measures in an international scientific journal
In February of this year, a scientific article by employees of the National Institute of Metrology (GUM) was published in the international journal "Algorithms" (Impact Factor = 2.32).
Competition for the Scientific Award named after Prof. Nernst
The Institute of Power Engineering - National Research Institute is organizing the competition for the Scientific Award named after Prof. Walther Hermann Nernst for the 6th time.
The Campus project
Participation of a GUM representative in the "Future of Metrology" workshops in Brussels
On November 23 this year a workshop entitled "The Future of Metrology" was held at the headquarters of the European Commission in Brussels, devoted to the development of metrology and its selected most important areas that are expected to play an important role in the future.
MoU between GUM and KazStandard
On 20th October this year in Paris, a cooperation agreement was concluded between GUM and its Kazakh counterpart KazStandard (Kazakh Institute of Standardization and Metrology).
Election of a GUM representative to the WELMEC Executive Board
During the last meeting of Committee of WELMEC e.V. (European Cooperation in the Field of Legal Metrology), GUM representative Dr. Marcin Mikiel was elected to the Executive Board of this organization.
Professor Pavel Neyezhmakov has passed away
On October 16th this year Pavel Neyezhmakov - Director General of the Institute of Metrology (NSC) in Kharkov, Member of CIPM, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, has passed away..