37. meeting of the WELMEC MoU Committee and the first meeting of WELMEC e.V - GUM chairs the group WG10
Two days of work of the European Cooperation in the Field of Legal Metrology and WELMEC e.V - the European Organization in the Field of Legal Metrology. Polish elected as chairman of the WG10 working group for measuring systems for liquids other than water.
On September 28th this year the last meeting of the European Cooperation in Legal Metrology in the form of MoU (agreement establishing WELMEC signed in 1990) was held. During the deliberations, which were held remotely due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a number of important decisions were made related to the termination of the WELMEC MoU operation - transfer of all working groups to the newly created WELMEC eV (association under German law), transfer of tasks carried out in the existing ones working groups of the new organization, approval of the financial report and approval of the chairman of the WELMEC MoU. Delegates also took note of the report from the work of the organization for the period from the previous meeting of the WELMEC MoU Committee.
On September 29th this year the first meeting of WELMEC e.V - the European Organization in Legal Metrology in the form of an association took place. During the meeting, the delegates adopted the resolutions necessary to start the work of the new organization - the creation of working groups, the transfer of the activities of the predecessor, the WELMEC MoU. An important item on the agenda was the discussion on the new WELMEC e.V strategy for 2021-2025. Moreover, the concept of a new logo and a new website of the association were presented.
An important part of the meeting was the election of the new WELMEC authorities as well as the conveners of the working groups and their deputies. The new chairman of WELMEC e.V is the director of the Czech counterpart of GUM, Pavel Klenovsky. A representative of Belgium was appointed deputy chairman, and delegates from Finland, Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Netherlands became members of the Executive Board.
A fact worth emphasizing was the success of a representative of GUM, Ms. Aleksandra Lewicka, who was unanimously elected chairman of the WG10 working group for measuring installations for liquids other than water.
You can read more about the choice of Ms. Lewicka here ...
GUM representative elected as chairman of WELMEC e.V. WG10
During the first meeting of WELMEC e.V, the representative of GUM, Ms. Aleksandra Lewicka, was unanimously elected the chairman of WG10 - the working group for measuring installations for liquids other than water. Aleksandra Lewicka, actively participating since 2010, has gained the trust of both the group members and the entire WELMEC Committee. The tasks of the group include:
Consider and provide guidance on Directive 2014/32 / EU (2004/22 / EC) and related normative documents or harmonized standards for measuring installation systems for continuous and dynamic measurement of the quantity of liquids other than water, in order to facilitate all aspects of the implementation of the above-mentioned rules beyond inspection, enforcement and re-verification
Considering and providing guidance on measuring instruments / systems not covered by Directive 2014/32 / EC (2004/22 / EC), covered by OIML international recommendations:
R105 (all parts) “Direct mass flow measurement systems for liquid quantities”,
R81 (all parts) "Dynamic measuring systems for the measurement of cryogenic liquids",
R80 (all parts) "Road and rail tanks with a level indicator",
R139 (all parts) "Compressed gaseous fuel measuring systems for vehicles" and /or "Compressed hydrogen fuel measuring systems for vehicles".