

World Metrology Day in GUM

Author: Adam Żeberkiewicz
Published by: Adam Żeberkiewicz

Measurements for transport - the leading topic for World Metrology Day, which was organized on 22 May at the Central Office of Measures.

The representatives of the institutions in the field of transport and metrology took part in the seminar held on this occasion. They're trying to meet common objectives and to expand cooperation.

During the opening speech The President of GUM Mr Wlodzimierz Lewandowski outlined the basic assumptions of the amendment to the Law on Measures, which has just come into force. GUM is going to cooperate with other scientific units in metrology and support the national industry more than ever before. An important element of the reform will be the creation of a Council of Metrology, bringing together representatives of ministries, institutions and universities cooperating with the GUM. The tasks of the Council will be to give opinions on: the state and directions of development of national metrology, the activity of the administration of measures and the plans of action and reports on the implementation of GUM tasks. The President of GUM dr Wlodzimierz Lewandowski also announced the construction of a laboratory campus, a modern metrology research and development center, where some of the laboratories of the Central Office of Measures would move.

  •  There is a man with grey hair and glasses who is standing behind the rostrum. He is speaking to the microphone.
  •  There is a man with grey hair and glasses who is standing behind the rostrum. He is speaking to the microphone. There is also a presentation displayed on the screenboard behind a man.
  •  The graphics which show 6 different time navigation system
  •  There is a bald man with glasses who is standing behind the rostrum. He is speaking to the microphone. There is also a presentation displayed on the screenboard behind a man. The presentation is about system GALILEO.
  •  A woman is looking at the poster gallery where metrology works are presented.
  •  There is a man with glasses in grey suit, who is speaking to the microphone.
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