
Main Tasks

Main Tasks

Published by: Adam Żeberkiewicz

The main task of the Office is to ensure conformity and accuracy of the national measurements standards and their traceability to the international measurement standards. Required accuracy stems from contemporary expectations of science, technology and trade as well as health care and natural environment.

The Central Office of Measures ensures the correct performance of the President’s tasks, in particular:

  1. establishing, maintaining and modernizing of the national measurement standards stored and used in the Office, and carrying out development work in this field,
  2. informing, by way of a public notice, on the measurement standards complying with the requirements, specified for the national measurement standards,
  3. ensuring, through comparisons, traceability of the national measurement standards to the international measurement standards or to the measurement standards in other countries,
  4. ensuring dissemination of the values of the legal units of measurement from the national measurement standards to measuring instruments,
  5. supervising operations of organisational entities and laboratories from outside the administration of measures, being in possession of the national measurement standards and making them available,
  6. approval of measuring instruments’ types based on the results of carried out examinations and granting of type approval marks, by way of a decision, as well as withdrawing of the decisions on the type approval,
  7. issuing of conformity certificates within the system of the International Organisation of Legal Metrology,
  8. carrying out of the legal metrological control and recognising the due control carried out by the relevant foreign metrological institutions as equivalent to the legal metrological control in the Republic of Poland,
  9. granting and withdrawing, by way of a decision, authorisations for initial and subsequent verification of particular categories of measuring instruments,
  10. granting and withdrawing, by way of a decision, permissions to repair and install particular categories of measuring instruments,
  11. issuing, refusing to issue and withdrawing, by way of a decision, permissions to conduct workshops in the field of installation, including activation, repair or checking for compliance with the requirements of the Commission’s Regulation (EC) No 1360/2002 of digital tachographs, including their calibration,
  12. supervising the entities in the scope of operations they are authorised to carry out,
  13. representing the Republic of Poland in international and regional metrological organisations and co-operation with Polish and foreign institutions operating in the field of measures,
  14. keeping the register of the approved types of measuring instruments,
  15. editing and publishing the Official Journal of the Central Office of Measures,
  16. issuing publications and promoting measurement matters,
  17. providing professional training courses in the field of measures,
  18. preparing draft regulations to be issued by governmental administrative organs on the matters within the scope of the President’s competence,
  19. preparing opinions on the draft legal acts directed to the Office,
  20. initiating legislative work in the field of measures,
  21. initiating standardisation work in the field of measures,
  22. performing other tasks provided for in separate legal acts or entrusted by the Prime Minister.


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